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my personal 24 ...

Thursday, November 30, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Brand New - Sowing Season (Yeah)

It's been a sucky sucky week, so the posts are few and far between...

From this deep sleep I've been encapsulated in, there was an incident tonight where I laughed so uncontrollably that I injured myself. After a mentally frustrating day, I wanted to let some steam off at the gym. So I go about my usual routine where I saunter into facility keeping to myself and head directly to the change room , then to the upper workout area. I've noticed in the past that if I make eye contact with people there, they totally think you are some weirdo. Sooo screw it, I'm not talking to anyone.

Even though, I've probably watched like one episode of 24, I can see a little Jack Bauer in everyone. So here's my feeble attempt of reliving an uneventful moment 24-styles yo.

Minute 1: I flip glance at the selection of televisions screens, and slowly deliberating which would win the attention of my exhausted eyes. I usually catch up on sports news at this time, so it's basically mindless entertainment.

Minute 8: Probably the point where I develop the classic V-shape sweat outline around the lower back.

Minute 11: Once the show cuts to its first commercial, I usually fiddle with the knobs on the machine to switch the audio channels to a radio station. I tend to resort to the hip-hop variety channel, where if you're lucky you'll hear a catchy tune to get you through the 2 or 3 minute commercial.

Minute 15: My left knee usually tells body to stop, but my brain has All-Star attorney, Johnnie Cochran, working the case. So, brain wins and knee is forced to writhe in pain and pay alimony.

Minute 20: I usually look around to find out where this smell is coming from.

Minute 21: I discover that the rotting vinegar smell is in fact coming from me.

Minute 23: This usually the time where commercials come into play again, but this particular part, I leave the audio knob alone and listen to the commercial... Tonight's commercial of choice is a Rogers Wireless communications advertisement promoting the new Sony 3.2 MP camera phone. Nothing out of the ordinary right? Wrong! The cardboard cutout happens to be a guy I know from first year university residence. I think, now correct me if I'm wrong, the best Virtua Tennis player for the Dreamcast on Animal. I was so shocked and taken away that I fell off the machine, consequently hurting my elbow. Way to go Tomlin!

Minute 24: I get back on the machine and continue like a champ...

Anyways, here's the commercial that tossed me like a rag doll onto the concrete...

xend transmissionx

1 + 2 = 3, simple...

Thursday, November 23, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Beck - Sexx Laws

Whats a tough day...

Thanks to engadget for making me laugh a little...

PS1 + PS2 = PS3 eBay scam FTW

xend transmissionx

The 'Duped' part Deux!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Brand New - Sowing Season (Yeah)

This month has definitely has has its run of deja vu moments. Remember that tirade I had about bands not playing when their supposed to? Well, guess what. it happened again! This time not as bad as the first because I wasn't really set out on seeing the show anyways. The show/band that I was set on seeing this past Friday night was none other than Waterloo's own The Sourkeys. I had pulled out the local entertainment magazine located at any pub/bar and noticed that the 'keys were coming to Sneaky Dees for their CD release party. A friend of mine and I happen to be really close by, so we decided to the march on over and check out the rock that has kept KW hipsters shaken and stirred for some time now. To my amazement, when I walked into the double doors, I noticed a sharpie-scribbled list of bands playing that night - none of which included The Sourkeys. I remember thinking to myself 'man, this can't be happening'. So to calm the nerves, what better way than to nestle around a nice cold pint and some fire-y burritos (the answer would be 'nothing')? After a few laughs, we decided to head upstairs once more just to make sure that we weren't initially wrong but the results were the same.

For me, this was a last-minute, so I didn't really have much vested in wanting to see them, but I can imagine some of the folks who were planning on seeing them must have been pretty irked. Bands have got to stop doing this. It's hard enough to get people out to shows. Don't let down what fans you do have with untimely 'no shows'. I'm sure there were some unforeseen circumstances that were at hand, as I can't see why they wouldn't want to showcase their new release, the Spectacle, which is pretty darn good.

In conclusion, don't put added 'Sour' in the Sourkeys. Let the candy do the work.

xend transmissionx

And the theme of the day is ... Dragon______

by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: The Rapture - The Devil

Don't you love it when things happen that just seem so coincidental that it might just be something more than an accident? Even though there isn't much of a connection except for the word 'dragon', I thought it was kinda cool.

Anyways, I happen to catch a CBC show called Dragon's Den. It's a pretty cool show that let's you take a sneak peak into the world of angel investors and how inventions or small businesses are taken to the next level. It's akin to some of my classes while in school and I enjoyed working on presentations like these. So the show consists of a panel of five wealthy Canadian investors (their bios here) who are looking to take prospective ideas to market. Inventors and business owners take this opportunity for investment money and industry expertise. The show is pretty cool and so far, inventors and business owners from the London Ontario region are representin' with great ideas and investor buy in! The show is on Wednesdays at 8PM EST. Definitely check it out.

The other "Dragon"-related object of my attention is this super metal band Dragon Force. Imagine all the glitz and glamour of The Darkness + shreddin' of Eddie Van Halen + hair of Type-O-negative + the showmanship of Andrew WK. This band rocks - hands down! Check out the video I posted at the below. Oh and wait for it ... there's a picture-in-picture guitarmony/dueling solos! Oh yes, welcome back 1986!

xend transmissionx

Graduated with a BBA, Noble ETA, GPA like a 3.7, but I'm easy hey ...

Thursday, November 16, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Shad K - Music Is the Muscle

"Music is the muscle, used for revolution, in this cut throat confusion, where corrupt folks hustle" - Shad K

I was doing some serious surfing today and found that Time Magazine has compiled a list of All Time 100 Albums. Granted, Time wouldn't be the first publication I would resort to for such things as music, but it's interesting to see the perspectives of their writers and researchers. I'm sure they did their research into the matter and covered as many bases as possible (they even broke down the albums by decade).

Now everyone is going to have an opinion on who should or shouldn't make the list, but the fact of the matter is (I dare not tell - Ron) there's gotta be some sort of guideline for lists. The one thing that bothers me about this is that from the 1990s and 2000s, there are four greatest hits albums that made the list. Should"Greatest Hits" albums make the list? I mean, these compilations are a collection of work from an artist that spans a lifetime of work. How can that qualify for a top album of 1990 or 2000? The concept of a "Greatest Hits" album in this scenario puts an unfair advantage to said album versus original releases. It's me being fussy about lists. This list just seems silly to me.

xend transmissionx

Do you want to drink some alcohol?

by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Cansei de Ser Sexy (CSS) - Let's make Love and Listen Death from Above

First off, shout out out out out goes to H-Dawg and Ms. Stokes for their respective birthdays. Man, I know a bunch of people who have overlapping in the month of November. I guess I should give a shout to Kerni and PaulG as well.

Okay, back to business... Has anyone noticed how "edge-y" the competitions from the third season of Kenny vs Spenny is compared to previous years? Have they tapped into the offensive and insane world of Japanese entertainment? If so, have I cited something here?

I can't wait for episode 8! Who will be eating more celery, haha? The season so far is great! Keep up the great work boys!

xend transmissionx

A face Only a Mother could Love!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Spoon - I Turn My Camera On

-- "Yeah, and they make you drive them to church the next morning. Like gas ain't free!?!?"

Random commentaries like the one above makes
Dwight Kurt Schrute III the funniest character on television. Pound for pound, Dwight K. Schrute will annihilate the competition. Let's not forget we are dealing with a purple belt in karate. Let us recall the excruciating blow to Michael's abdomen when Dwight was forced into a corner where he would have to use his self defense tactics. He is also very courageous. I mean, he ran into a burning building putting his life in danger for the sake of others.

With all his accolades as salesman of the year, volunteer deputy sheriff, and assistant to the regional manager etc... I would love to have "Schrutey"
as a friend. Some would pigeon-hole him as a "suck up" or "try hard", but the fact of the matter is that he is more than that. Is there a label for someone beyond this? I mean, he's so cool he had his own blog. IF he was MySpace (so many imitators, I don't know who is the real Dwight is sometimes), I think he could seriously make an attempt to reach my Top 8.

In conclusion, as homage to my good friend Dwight, I am asking for a Dwight Schrute bobblehead.

xend transmissionx

Burnt by a Coppola...

Sunday, November 05, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: The Strokes - Reptilia

*** This might be a bit of a rant, but it's worthy of a vent ***
*** so readership discretion is advised ***

Friday November 5th was dedicated to getting crammed into a car and driving into a snow storm to see Ben Lee, Rooney, and John Ralston play the Foundation in Barrie. This car was filled with some of the most dedicated Rooney fans and I happen to tag along as I've heard some good things about said band (the good things might have come from the people in the car in the first place). There was much anticipation for this show and the build up was brimming to capacity. Anyways, we arrive early to do the walkabout and check out the other kids at the venue. Much to my naivete's, all the kids were certainly younger than any of the five of us. We took the the local bar to kill sometime where I snicker about how the under ages wouldn't have the same luxury to keep out of the cold. So after a few pints, we decided to head over to the venue. We proceeded to march like penguins one by one into guarded door. Everyone ahead of us were carded until it came around to the quintet of out-of-towners. I think I've bitched about this before, but I'm not getting carded anymore and it's bothering me.

Anyways, as we enter, the half empty venue was rather drab, but decorated with tacky paintings etc. I think this place turns into a dance club when not hosting traveling bands passing through the Barrie region. We receded to the back where all the old folks hang out and consume alcohol. From here, I don't remember what happened, but as the first band was finishing up their set, I joined the rest of the group who were upset about something. Turns out that Rooney was not playing the Barrie show (note: Barrie is one of two stops in Canada for the tour in total). The Rooney contingent were flabbergasted! We were so pissed that we took off to cool some heads. We ended up at a swanky Indian restaurant (as swanky as it gets in Barrier) a couple of blocks down the street to cool ourselves down. Vindaloo, mango lassi, a single tear and an outrageously cheesy portrait of a Bengal tiger calmed our nerves. We ended going back to the show to check out Ben Lee because we did just drive several hours to be in Barrie. The set was alright, but our spirits were already broken, so I don't think any of us really could enjoy the show much.

As we were leaving, I decided to stay back and find out why the co-headliner of the tour decided not to play the only Ontario date of the tour. So I confronted one of the guys from the opening act to find out. They were nice enough to give me a story which would make any music fan cringe in distaste for the music business. Anyways, the story goes like this... Touring bands get taxed in Canada for playing shows and additional taxes are enforced if merchandise is being sold at the show. The bands playing this night were paying $500 for just playing the show not including the merchandise they were selling. So with all the tax implications and playing a smaller venue like Barrie, Rooney didn't play for those reasons (supposedly). It's good to know that they have good business to recognize the potential of not reaching the break even point, but isn't touring about playing shows and exposing the music to new fans and old? I might be wrong on this, but isn't it about the music and maybe the fans?

So here are added kindling to the fueling fire. Flame, flame away:

  • There were only two Canadian dates on the tour and only one in Ontario and it isn't Toronto!
  • Rooney bailed on their last visit to Canada for the tour supporting their self titled release
  • they didn't play a show because of taxes! It's like they didn't know this beforehand? They played Canada already( and for $500 CDN dollars, which is like next to nothing for Americans, they did not play)
  • Robert Carmine is a Coppola... I think the Coppolas could spare 500 bucks to play a show for its fans. It's not like they wouldn't get paid to play a show...
  • what happened to playing for the sake of music or fans?
  • If you don't play a show, announce it to your fans prior to the show!
  • The other bands touring with Rooney played... They didn't bail
Thanks to Ben Lee and John Ralston for performing regardless of the situation. Much respect goes out to you guys for keeping it real. Here's some messages from your adoring fans that you disappointed. I know they were thinking of the tax implications traveling to see the show:

There's always the other side of the story and I'd love to hear it sometime.

xend tansmissionx

Dwight vs. Gareth

Friday, November 03, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: The Shins - Sea Legs

Contrary to other popular belief, I actually like the television series, The Office (US). Though, the brainchild of Ricky Gervais and origination for UK syndication, it made it's way here to North America. From watching the UK series, I wasn't totally won over by the characters, though I thought it was a good show. A couple of years later, I was beguiled to watching at least one episode and the rest is history. I think I just polished back watching the first season of the US version.

One of the characters that I find much more amusing in the US version is good ole' Dwight Schrute, self-proclaimed assistant branch manager, but really he's assistant TO the branch manager. His character is paralleled to Gareth Keenan. Both are hilarious in their own ways, though Dwight makes me laugh because of his anal retentiveness whereas I just feel sorry for Gareth being so frail. Which one do you like more and why?

xend transmissionx

and when the moon turns blood red, I will survive!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: The Shins - Turn Me On

This video clip has had me in stitches for the past week. I must share ... I totally didn't pay attention as a rug rat, but it seems like I wasn't missing anything that was remotely coherent. And where is he now? According to my co-worker, a longtime wrestling advocate, he's now a chiropractor. The original war monger from parts unknown never died. Anyways, long live the Ultimate Warrior and happy Halloween

xend transmissionx


Life and times of a great observer as oppurtunities passes him by.

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