Monday, May 30, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: No Doubt - Simple Kind of Life It's feels so good the get away from suburbia once and a while. You end up discovering more of what life has to offer outside of a bleek grey cubicle walls and the clicky clack of the keyboards and chatter. Thanks to Jasmine and Co. for showing me a lovely time. Being a great host will be most righteously returned. As the night wore on, my friends and I commented on how we can't escape our disdain for Waterloo. Rightfully so, as the topic of conversation veers to shampoo, in walks a crowd of familiar faces a typical science lab. Go figure... This night marks the first of many visitations to Ontario's captial this summer. I totally need to immerse myself into bright lights, bright eyes, beautiful skylines more often. Let's make this a summer I won't forget shall we?
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Coldplay - Don't PanicSuch a good song, I can't stop listening to it. I even borrowed the roomie's guitar and I thinkI learnt the chords to it. No wonder Chris Martin snagged Gwyneth. With lyrics, sounds, simplicity, and imagery like this, what woman can resist such the delicate croon of Chris Martin's soft and soothing voice. There's something about the last line that just makes you feel lonely as shit if you aren't nestled with your loved one ... This is as emo as it gets! Don't Panic
Bones, sinking like stones, All that we fought for, Homes, places we've grown, All of us are done for. And we live in a beautiful world, Yeah we do, yeah we do, We live in a beautiful world, Bones, sinking like stones, All that we fought for, And homes, places we've grown, All of us are done for. And we live in a beautiful world, Yeah we do, yeah we do, We live in a beautiful world. Here we go, here we go And we live in a beautiful world, Yeah we do, yeah we do, We live in a beautiful world. Oh, all that I know, There's nothing here to run from, 'Cause everybody here's got somebody to lean on.
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by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Coldplay - Don't Panic
Due to some recent random visitations to the fine city of Cambridge, I have come upon a great music store: Long & McQuade. I mean, I've been to several famous instrument outlets in the GTA, but this location takes the cake. I great selection of all kinds of instruments and what have you. What I have been eyeing for the last few months is a new acoustic guitar. I found a home for my refurbished guitar, so I guess it's time to court a new 'toy'. So here it is, the new interest in my mudayne self-absorbed life: the Seagull M6 Cedar GT. Isn't she a beaut? External pressures keep forcing to buy now, but I think I would like to do some waiting to see if it's what I need right now or if I can make due without this rather 'pricey' expense. As my mother says, "You need to save now for the ever-existent rainy day". That's probably the best Vietnamese translation I could pull off.
On another note, sometimes a joke can be very effective in conveying a message. After a great conversation with a close friend who's been through what my current predicament, he's given me some great insight to troubled times. So thanks Dallas. I appreciate all your words of encouragement and enlightenment throughout the years. It's always good to get a second opinion on things without all the uneasy looks and gestures. I mean if someone is coming to you to ask a question, 99% of the time it's because they don't know themselves. So we can all make due without all the nonsense.
 "Dallas and myself in 2002 thumbin' things bigtime!"
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Friday, May 20, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Common - Testify
I saw this a while back and I couldn't stop laughing. And yes, its a bit vulger, but it's those happy unicorns that made me laugh out loud.

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by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Final Fantasy - Peach, Plum, Pear (Joanna Newsome cover)
The man took me out for a morning at the movie theatre to parttake in the spectacule known around these parts a "geek-fest". It's only dubbed "gee-fest" because I saw a storm trooper, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Maul in the parking lot, amongst the crowd. I were subjected to Stars Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Pretty sweet movie. By far the best of the first three episodes. Lucas saved his ass this time 'round.
Anyways, What really pissed me off today was this damn Vietnamese restaurant that just opened in the Waterloo. Known for its wide range of selection and exotic cuisine, many have flocked to the Cambridge franchise for an alternative dining experience. Well tonight I decided to try the new locale. Once I got the menu, I was a bit disturbed. Since it is a somewhat traditional Vietnamese restaurant, one expect to find elements of the homeland outside of the menu selection. To my surprise and disgust, the menu was entirely in English. There was no trademark Vietnamese cursive to be found anywhere on the menu except the Logo. This particular restaurant completely turned into another "fusion-esque" restaurant, but not quite to the extent as some restaurants like Spring Rolls. I mean these fusion restuarants are great, but there a place for them and it's not in suburbia. I know an all-English menu would be great for business, since 75% of the customer base is Caucasian so I mean it was the right move, but God dammit don't drag the "Que Huong" feel to people who don't have an interest in it. If Waterloo wasn't filled with yuppies, this restaurant would be a disaster. This menu reminds me of the opening scene from The Garden State where Zach Braff is working in a lush Vietnamese. Coming from a demographic that the resturant wasn't aiming for, I'm disappointed as a Vietnamese Canadian. I just feel so cheap and used right now, I don't know why. I'll probably still end up going to this place in the future, but it's just the way I feel about things like this.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Daphne Love Derby - Hopeless Love
Can't wait till this long weekend. I'll finally be able to get my shit together and move the essentials to Waterloo from home. I miss my comfy earbud headphones. After about an hour with the regualr ipod earbuds, my head really hurts. I've been watching so many movies with the new roomie as of late. For some reason, Nicole Kidman movies are the house favorite right now. And I don't think any of the movies were blockbusters either. Let's see ...
The interpreter - Silvia Broome The Hours - Virginia Woolfe Birthday Girl - Nadia
All were pretty weird. It's finally good to have some spare time to enjoy movies that have been made over the past few years. Finally, I can relax (let's hope so).
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Weezer (=w=) - This is Such a Pity
Oh my gosh am I ever sore! This whole being active thing is killing me. No matter how much stretching I do, I come home limping and struggling up and down the stairs. There was a five-minute period in the change room where I couldn't wiggle my left toe. Totally freaked me out. Could this just be me aging at an accelerating rate? Right now it seems like it.
From playing my first rec league game this term, I've realized that I am very competitive when it comes to basketball. I always size up and willing to do whatever it takes to win. I always want to guard the best player on the opposing team, except if he's got a definite height advantage over me (like 6'3 and above). I just wished this competitiveness transcended to other aspects. I'm guess I'm too easy going?
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Monday, May 16, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Shins - We Will Become Silhouttes (Postal Service cover) A shout out goes to "Big Bird" and "T Dubs"! I know you kids won't be able to keep your hands off each other in the Fall. You guys know that you've my favourite. Just remember who hooked you ladies up :) In other news, I'm starting to dig Nicole Kidman. I've seen a slew of her movies as of late and her voice is just to soothing. Very fetching indeed... The summer is shaping up to be a good one. It should be an exciting time once the weather wars up. More beaches, parties, and campfires. And who can forget Paramount Canada's Wonderland. I think I can score some discount. Definitely looking forward to all of that jazz. Oh, and freshshu meng for all those breath-taking photos and email them to me! I already feel bad for not going. Damn you Bin laaaden! xend transmissionx
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Monday, May 09, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Beatles - Let It Be You know you're getting old and senile when you forget about your birthday. I relapse into my coma-like status today, I swear to it. I would have forgotten about it if it wasn't for my BB notifcation. This device is my other left arm, geesh! I really need a phone... Maybe that's what I'll get myself for my birthday. What do you think of this one (Motorola SLVR V8)? Metallic black is chic right? xend transmissionx
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by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Cardigans- Lovefool
If any of you sent a e-card to your mother for Mothers Day, shame on you! I decided to make the trek home to spent some QT with the raddest mom ever! Who wants to challenge me on this? I think my mom would win in a cage match. She's feisty!
Mothers Day was great! My mom rules. How can I forget mothers Day when I was traumatized as a teen with a memory like this. I remember the one Mothers Day when my birthday coincided with Mother's Day, where I took her out for dinner. She wanted to try a bloody Caesar because she likes V8. Well, after our meal, we went our separate ways where I was to meet her at the car. After like five minutes in the car, a restaurant patron was at my window asking me to return into the store. Low and behold, my mother was passed out in the hallway! Other families who were waiting in line to get seated surrounded my mother as she was sprawling on the floor, blocking the hallway. At the time it was a serious deal because I had no clue what had happened. After a rushed drive in an ambulance to the local hospital, doctors informed me she was in stable condition. When asked about the cause of my mother's situation, the doctor replied with "Your mother was just intoxicated. How much did she have to drink?". Haha, the best birthday/Mother's Day present ever! My mom was loaded after one Bloody Caesar! Let's just say, we'll never be visiting that restaurant again! When reminded of the story, my mother and I spent about a half and hour laughing. Just one of those classic moments!
This year's events didn't quite top that one Mothers Day, but I did enjoy myself. What can I say, the weather was great and I got to see everyone I wanted to see. Good friends, good times ... Does that sound like a Keg commercial?
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Tuesday, May 03, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Simpsons theme 2 things on my mind: 1. This pain in my stomach won't go away 2. Who knew body pillow slip covers were so expensive ... gosh! xend transmissionx
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Life and times of a great observer as oppurtunities passes him by.
Also a link to profile may show up here.