Who's to care ...
Song of the Day: The Shins - We Will Become Silhouttes (Postal Service cover)
A shout out goes to "Big Bird" and "T Dubs"! I know you kids won't be able to keep your hands off each other in the Fall. You guys know that you've my favourite. Just remember who hooked you ladies up :)
In other news, I'm starting to dig Nicole Kidman. I've seen a slew of her movies as of late and her voice is just to soothing. Very fetching indeed...
The summer is shaping up to be a good one. It should be an exciting time once the weather wars up. More beaches, parties, and campfires. And who can forget Paramount Canada's Wonderland. I think I can score some discount. Definitely looking forward to all of that jazz. Oh, and freshshu meng for all those breath-taking photos and email them to me! I already feel bad for not going. Damn you Bin laaaden!
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