Thursday, August 31, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Decemberists - Here I Dreamt I was an Architect
This weekend was packed with awesomeness and a hint of sadness. Firstly, it was a
bummer knowing that Glenn-o and Mike won't be at WCRI for impromptu Boston Pizza excursions anymore. Wouldn't it be funny if my picture is still in the middle booth behind the display in the bar area years from now? It'll be a while before we all get back together again. This means I'm going to have to put my lemon dance away for now. It also means that UW parking bars are now safe from harm of these two Russian/Ukrainian kids. If campus police are looking for the missing goods, check the pile near WCRI. Good luck moving that heap of woodness! It was also pretty cool to get to play soccer with my boyz before sending them off. I blame Glenn for Mike's bad knee. Isn't that how it goes? Blame Glenn for everything. Oh, and guess who holds the crown for GUESSBALL???? I do assclowns! So expect a call at the most inoppurtune moment.
Has anyone seen the gas prices lately? Driving home from the gym I couldn't help but notice a clogged artery of a major intersection around the corner from my home. The sign read "69.9". To confirm that pricing was correct, I check a neighboruing gas station which read the same thing. Can you remember the time gas was this cheap? I must have been 15 or so. Low gas prices are cool, but not when you thought you had a steal at the pumps filling at 85.2, frick! Hopefully, it lasts throughout the long weekend, as I will need tonnes of gas.
I seriously cannot wait to hit the fresh lake water and uphold my title as the Horseshoe Champion. Even though the gender ratio is skewed, but what else is new with us, it'll be a great time. Now its time to decide on what lawn chair to bring. Even with conflicting schedules, I'm glad that everyone is making a concerted effort to show up. It'll be quite the reunion of sorts.
And speaking of reunions, this weekend marked my first attendance to a stag and doe. Where else could it be but in good ole Saint T Dot. I was pretty apprehensive of going at first because it can get pretty awkward talking to some people you haven't seen in almost six years. In other aspects, it was also a reunion of 248A Cedarbrae as well (Matt, happily accepted the invite to meet up with Kerni and myself in St Thomas for a throwdown). But heck, all that is t
thrown out the window as soon as the party started. Marty took care of documenting the night with some great photography (Thanks Darb). I caught up with a lot of fellow Voadenites (though, I have been told we're called Vikings - but this is my blog so just go with it) as well as some of my homies from PCI. Good times. Great sandwiches and thanks goodness for roast beef! Have you ever seen a man challenge another man to a dual a la slab of roast beef? Priceless! I've heard of other friends passing on stories of some of their memories of stags. I must admit, I've really missed out on the whole Stage and doe party circuit. These things are happenin' man! If you don't like country music, it's alright because when the clock strikes eleven, some R&B and even gangsta rap pumps from the speakers. I hear Huron county hosts some crazy stag and does. Anyways, here are some pics.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: At the Drive In - Proximus Centuri

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Thursday, August 24, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Decemberists - Billy Liar
Ever been in a situation where you've been waiting? Waiting at the doctor's office, waiting to hear from university officials, waiting for your name to be called to get up to bat? The time stuck in the queue is excruciating. Not for a moment has a time weighed so heavily on you. Questions of your character and judgment come under fire from your biggest critic – yourself. Time eats at your mind and soul: very aggravating. Everyone goes through it and some react better than others. I most likely fall into the category of being over-analytical.
Today I spent some time searching for some old masters and moderns mp3s. I know they're out there because I once owned them. Masters and Moderns used to be a quintet of musicians from the KW area who catered to the emo styling akin to penfold or mineral. After two great years of music, they broke up in 2004 at a time where most of them were graduating university and pursuing other interests. It was too bad that the band was dated from the beginning as school was the underlying factor. I can't imagine what great music would have come out from masters and moderns if they were together today. I was also curious as to what ever happened to these guys. I used to hang out with a few of them here and there, but as time flew by everyone was doing their own thing. So as any curious cat would do, I 'googled' them.
To my surprise, after two full years, people still have much love for them. I've always thought of them as a friend's band. I even think I was at one of their first gigs in Oshawa where they unveiled their young and talented vocalist. So the thought of others knowing who they were and remembering their music is very fascinating. Could you classify this as leaving a legacy? It very well might be. I'm sure that when a band forms, the last thing they could imagine for themselves is establishing a legacy. I just think it's cool that I stumble upon blogs and myspace accounts that commemorate the works of a local band.
Oh and where are they now? Well, I happen to find this online. Take away the crunchy riffs and fast transitions, stripped down, it's still the same powerful voice. Check it out.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
I'm feeling pretty nostalgic lately. Ever since the romp to Manhattan, I've been stuck in in a daze of yester year. I'm partly wedged in the past because I'm trying to seek a happy place and your recollections of the past are usually of a pleasant picture. For instance, I don't think I've ever been so confident in myself as much as in my junior and senior year of high school. I felt good about myself, my work, and my life in general. The environment surrounding me had no effect on me whatsoever. I really wish I could go back to that state of mind.
So what's bothering me as of late? Well, it has to do with the whole goodbye of friends thing again. Of course, I went through this in March, but I was the one moving, I was the one leaving so I had control of the situation. But within the next upcoming weeks, some of my friends of whom I've been really close to from school are moving and pursuing their goals and dreams. With this comes the situation of proximity. Some of them are moving as far as Edmonton, Montreal, and even Vancouver. It's no longer feasible to drive a half and hour to grab a cup of joe or just hang out. It's disheartening that they're not going to be there anymore. I'm really excited for all of them as they make their mark on another milestone. Deep down, I wish I could be there right beside them.
Some things are harder to let go than others.
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Monday, August 14, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Tegan and Sara - Walking with the Ghost (Rentals remix)
The weekend was great. Got to see some familiar faces that I haven't seen in a long time as well as meeting some new faces. It's too bad the summer is almost over. I should have made more of a concerted effort to visit as many friends as possible before I become a recluse for the winter months.
- Note to self... do not wear slippers to Phils. I touched ground - eww!
- Note to self... try not to order pizza and then pass out before it arrives
- Note to self... don't be so overdramatic when you see a catapillar
- Note to self... don't buy onion rings at Burger King
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Friday, August 11, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Rentals - Keep Sleeping
The eleven year wait is now over. Well worth the wait.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Iron and Wine - Naked as We Came
Down and down once again... Someone please illuminate the aisles so I can get to my seat. I need it now more than ever. Let the lights guide me home.

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