Sunday, April 29, 2007 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Calexico - Ocean of Noise
As an avid sports fan, I can't help but notice the amount of sports games televised as of late. April-May is the penultimate time of a sports nut. No matter the sport, players are playing harder, fans are cheering louder than before, and the games actually mean something. Sport should perpetually be in 'playoff' mode throughout. Another thing I have noticed is the scheduling for playoff games. Since revenues for the playoff season are more lucrative than the regular season. What I've been are playoff games are sporadically dispersed to maximize television coverage. Teams could have several days of rest in between games. To the fans, maximizing playoff coverage, equates to view more games, increased number of advertised spots, which leads to increased revenue. The only issue with maximizing television coverage would be the loss of a true home team advantage. Games are so far spaced that teams are flying home in the middle of the series to avoid the hoopla of the playoffs. For example, in the Raptors vs. Nets game, New Jersey was able to fly out of Toronto and miss all the media coverage around former Raptor, Vince Carter. Does this mean that the true sense of home field advantage slowly becoming a thing of the past?
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Labels: sports
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by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Sam Roberts - With a Bullet
I'm a tad bit agitated at the moment because Firefox crashed and I had the majority of my thoughts erased. So below is a rehash of some of my sentiments as of late...
Today marks the end of a six-week (mis)adventure of "living out a suitcase", but more of living out a smelly gym bag. As bad as it sounds, it was very positive experience. Firstly, living under someone else's sleeping schedule forced me rectify my sleeping patterns, which was a major bonus. This has been something that I have struggled in controlling in recent memory. Secondly, I've had no problems falling into a deep slumber on the couch. A definite 'high five' is in order for mister couch, who didn't put me through the rigors of discomfort. Finally, since it wasn't my place, I was forced to work around others' schedules. This meant I would be waking up earlier than needed and therefore I would be earlier in getting myself ready for the day. With all this being said, I anxiously await sleeping in my comfy bed.
Many of you have been asking whether I was excited about this move. The long and short of it can be summarized with a HECK YES. I'm finally leaving the mundane grips suburban Mississauga to the shackles of Toronto. The relocation is more of a catch 22 based on a series of mixed feelings. Looking forward, it's going t be great living with a friend again. But in hindsight, the move will unveil some deep scars that have been coagulating to form a most memorable experience. As I advance forward, these scars are attached, reminding me of a of a grey past. The faster I move on, the better I say. I'm looking at this move as a chance to start all over and fully intend to right any wrongs I have made in the past.
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Labels: relocation
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Saturday, April 21, 2007 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Hunting for Witches - Bloc Party (RAC remix)
It looks like these posts are becoming fewer and further between these days mostly because I'm never home. Currently, I'm living out of a suitcase week to week to try and minimize the commute. So far, it's been pretty good. It's nice to be welcomed. The suitcase life will come to an end in about 10 days time. I'll finally have a place in the big smoke. I'm really stoked about it. The move will mark the closure of what I would deem the worst year to date.
May is sooo gonna rock!

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Saturday, April 14, 2007 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: The Silent Authors - The Invisible Hand
Steve Jobs has got to love me. He must have envisioned someone(thing) like me when he made the call to design portable mp3 players. I am the bumbling idiot who is the ultimate iPod demographic: one who unknowingly ruins his/her ipod just after a year of use and goes out and buys another one. It's not that I mean to do it on purpose, shit just happens. A guy has to do his laundry, you know!
Today I cooked yet another iPod using the same techniques as previous murder/death/washes: death by washing machine. It would have been cooler if I ruined doing something extreme like beaver wrestling, while skydiving. One would think that would be a common mistake given that these devices are getting smaller and lighter by each release. Surely, there would be an instance where you accidentally misplace it in a weeks' laundry. Apparently, I do not learn from previous mistakes. This is the third time I have tossed a helpless iPod into the hollow cylinder of death. Soap, then suds and then its lights out! It's been 4 years and 3 iPods . Oh when will I learn. Hopefully, the next one comes washing machine safe.
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