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Today's the day that all the world will see

Monday, February 19, 2007 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Oasis - Morning Glory

I'm first going to start out to a song that has been stuck in my head for the whole weekend and possibly carry into the work week as well. They were on the television this week as the CBC was showing the Brit awards and Oasis was awarded the musical achievement award for their contribution or something. Anyways, Liam, Noel and the boys played a medley of tunes that rocked the house down. The songs are so simple, the lyrics are plain-Jane, and it all just seems to come together to meld into a fondue of good 'ole rock. For example, here's the lyrics to the tune that's in my head. You might want to listen to the album if you have it or I'm sure some (il)legal music site has it for download. I'm pretty sure one of your friends has it under some books or behind some desk somewhere. Almost everyone owned an Oasis disk.

All your dreams are made

When you're chained to (your) mirror with (your) razor blade
Today's the day that all the world will see
Another sunny afternoon
(I'm) walking to the sound of your favorite tune
Tomorrow never knows what it doesn't know too soon

xend transmissionx


Whoever you are, I want to thank you

Friday, February 16, 2007 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Geggy Tah - Thank You

Man, the weather in the GTA has been pretty bad. It's most due to the one-day snow storm that swept through Ontario. For ski and snowboard resorts, it was a blessing as many resorts actually had to lay off much of their workforce. Luckily, a few days later, everyone is now employed. I know we all love complaining about the weather, but really... it's been one of the mildest winters I've ever remember. So people, remember your scarves, mittens, long johns, and double-sock.

Anyways, getting to the point of my post... The upcoming months are filled with some sweet sweet shows. Some days are even double-booked with great shows at different venues. Here are a few that I've already signed up to attend:




Feb. 16, 2007

Kool Haus


Mar. 16, 2007

Mod Club

Booka Shade

Mar. 17, 2007

Kool Haus

The Shins

Mar. 25, 2007

Kool Haus

Bloc Party

Albert Hammond Jr.

Mar. 30, 2007

Mod Club


Apr. 06, 2007

Mod Club

Junior Boys

Apr. 11, 2007

Mod Club

Tokyo Police Club

May. 18, 2007

Lee’s Palace

The Blow

* highlighted in orange are the shows I do not have tickets for yet

So does anyone want to join me?



those were the days...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Ratatat (remix) - The Mule

I've been on quite the nostalgic kick as of late. This was sparked by my discovery of a box full of photos from grade school all the way to the digital photography age. Digital photos were in full effect for me around 2002 or so. I remember blowing my first co-op pay cheque on a now archaic Canon Powershot S230. It's still a sweet camera, but it's definitely seen better days. I think the last time I had it out of it's case, the unit smelled of beer and all the toggle switches were stuck.

Anyways, back to when Kodak was actually a profitable company (circa 2002)... Back then, I really had a thing for buying disposable cameras, mostly because I was too irresponsible to own something nice. I could have sworn I've went through twenty or so cameras taking pictures of the most obscure things I could find. So when I found this box of old photographs, there were many photos from grade school graduations to drunken moments in university. I think I basically captured everything in a photograph (maybe except that burning box on my head at Kevin Orchard's party - hook me up with a photo if you got it). Needless to say, I've spent the last few days going through them recounting why I would taking some of these photos and laughing pretty much every time I looked at a photo. I'm sure there will be objections to some of these photographs for ever existing. I'm still wonder how I should share these photos (facebook, flckr, yahoo photos ....). Does anyone have any suggestions?

For every picture I held in my hand and after the laughter subsided, my next thought was 'man, I wish so and so could see this and laugh with me and share his/her side of the story'. I was so annoyed with that I couldn't share these memories that I went out and acquired a scanner. So for the last few days, I've been scanning like a madman! No rock has been left unturned. Soon, everyone will get the chance to see what I've been laughing about and share in the stories (and there better be stories to add to these photos from you guys).

Anyways, here's a sample of things to come. Also, included are my hilarious comments that I hope you guys will add once I post these photos where ever they end up. First taste is always free...

I've never seen 'the North' so smashed in my life. We all witnessed her break out the falsetto voice to shatter some of the most classic tunes that night that would be deemed worthy of Canadian Idol. I think this was also the day where a hand may have punched a boob if I'm not mistaken. Ahhh, Renison College Wind out 2000/2001...

Always been a fan of the sushi. The fresher, the better I say. Nothing is better than a little bit of fight in the food you know. Isn't raw food all the rage these days anyways? I was way ahead of my time.Now if only I could avoid swallowing the hook, life would be easier for me. Summah 2000, ooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Yes, he was completey naked for this photo op. We had no objections to him wanting to put out his best body of work forward for the camera. The visually-challenged members of this photos opted to show our stunning smiles and avoid looking down at all costs. Renison College 2000. Dormitory love (a la Tupac featuring Dr. Dre) ...

xend transmissionx

And Cobra Commander takes the game

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Masters and Moderns - The Owls are Not What They Seem

Did anyone catch "
Keys to the VIP" tonight on Comedy Central at around 10:30? For those of you who might not know what the show is about (I didn't know either until tonight), it's a competition between two combatants to "pick up" the ladies given specific scenarios. There is a panel of judges who determine who wins each round and artist points.

Tonight's particular competitors were John a.k.a. Wilk vs 'Cobra Commander' Phil. Not just any regular 'Phil', but Phil Williams of the defunct
Kitchens and Bathrooms and now of the Inflation Kills. Let's just say it was one of the funniest 22-minutes I've ever seen come out of Comedy Central. Phil killed the ladies with kindness and a whole lotta weirdness. This equates to some mad mad mackin' skillz yo! Here's an outline of the competition:

Game #1: "Love at First Sight" - Each player must initiate a pick-up by admitting that he's fallen in love at first sight.

Game #2: "The Comedian" - Each player must pretend they are a working comedian and must get a woman's opinion about his "new Material".

Game #3: "Quiet on the Set" - During a pick-up, each player must ask her to be quiet while he intensely listens to the music playing for 30 sec because it reminds him of his grandmother.

xend transmissionx

counting sheep

Sunday, February 04, 2007 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Broken Social Scene - Lover's Spit

I have a problem sleeping. Though it may not be effecting my life in an active way, the story behind the scenes is that it's waring down my health. This maybe have something to do with the habits I had during my school days, but it's been almost two years now and it seems to have gained momentum in keeping me awake more and more lately.

This past weekend I decided to go home for a well-deserved visit of my folks and little cousins. Even with terrible weather conditions looming, I still made the trek down there. It ended up taking twice as long to get home than usual. I got home leaving the blistering weather outside as I was welcomed by my mother. I ended up trying to get an early night sleep but I ended up staring at the ceiling till like 2:00 am by a drunken phone call (was this a voice mail drunken phone message gone wrong?). My night of tossing and turning continued throughout the night to the point where it was 7:00 and the EPL matches were on the tube. Its funny to think you can't even sleep in your parent's home. One would think that this place would be one of the safest spots and the protection by your parents would keep you as ease to sleep. Usually, I'm a log when I sleep in odd environments, so this was rather shocking.

I would describe my mind as being very overactive and thus leading me to stay awake and think about things that really have no sudden conclusion. If you can picture a short film being played repeatedly with sudden pauses at each action frame that would be something I would be visualizing as the night goes by. I remember hearing somewhere that the good dreams are the ones where you can't remember a thing about them once you wake up. Now wouldn't it be neat to be able to record that dream so that you can play it back the next day? I'd love to be able to see what my brain comes up with in regards to scheduling cinematic dreams. I'm sure some sleep analysis specialist has already come up with such device. It just needs to be commercialized for consumer use. I do recall the musical score to my dreams being amazing as well. C'mon Stevie J(obs), bring this to market for the consumers will ya? Maybe in an 60GB form?

Back in high school, I discussed my sleeping problems with my quirky music teacher who gave me lavender oil to rub on my pillow. Apparently, it's supposed to put you to sleep or something. I don't recall it ever working, but I'm sure it did b/c I can't remember not sleeping well after the oil. My grade eleven history teacher recommended eating some sort of protein to put you to sleep. For some reason, I see myself eating a turkey leg to be the most helpful thing to do to try and fall asleep.

I guess you could say this sleeping condition carried over to university too, but everyone was awake till the wee hours of the morning anyways, so I wasn't alone nor did I find it a problem. I remember those late nights being some of the best times in college. The latter half of college involved me staying up really late studying, snacking, or debating over the most meticulous details of course notes or current events. So it wasn't really me having a hard time to sleep. I wanted to stay up.

Anyways, all the fun is gone, so rest should come naturally. The odd thing is that it's not happening. Instead, I lay restless fidgeting the night away. Anyone have any good home remedies? Also, I'm not lactose intolerant, but I'm not a fan of warm milk.

I sometimes dream of flying. Something like this...

xend transmissonx



Life and times of a great observer as oppurtunities passes him by.

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