those were the days...
Song of the Day: Ratatat (remix) - The Mule
I've been on quite the nostalgic kick as of late. This was sparked by my discovery of a box full of photos from grade school all the way to the digital photography age. Digital photos were in full effect for me around 2002 or so. I remember blowing my first co-op pay cheque on a now archaic Canon Powershot S230. It's still a sweet camera, but it's definitely seen better days. I think the last time I had it out of it's case, the unit smelled of beer and all the toggle switches were stuck.
Anyways, back to when Kodak was actually a profitable company (circa 2002)... Back then, I really had a thing for buying disposable cameras, mostly because I was too irresponsible to own something nice. I could have sworn I've went through twenty or so cameras taking pictures of the most obscure things I could find. So when I found this box of old photographs, there were many photos from grade school graduations to drunken moments in university. I think I basically captured everything in a photograph (maybe except that burning box on my head at Kevin Orchard's party - hook me up with a photo if you got it). Needless to say, I've spent the last few days going through them recounting why I would taking some of these photos and laughing pretty much every time I looked at a photo. I'm sure there will be objections to some of these photographs for ever existing. I'm still wonder how I should share these photos (facebook, flckr, yahoo photos ....). Does anyone have any suggestions?
For every picture I held in my hand and after the laughter subsided, my next thought was 'man, I wish so and so could see this and laugh with me and share his/her side of the story'. I was so annoyed with that I couldn't share these memories that I went out and acquired a scanner. So for the last few days, I've been scanning like a madman! No rock has been left unturned. Soon, everyone will get the chance to see what I've been laughing about and share in the stories (and there better be stories to add to these photos from you guys).
Anyways, here's a sample of things to come. Also, included are my hilarious comments that I hope you guys will add once I post these photos where ever they end up. First taste is always free...

xend transmissionx