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You can't pretend we're only friends then walk away.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Jimmy Eat World - Jenn

So it's been a week at the new place and I feel so fortunate to get a chance for a new start. So far, it's pretty cool. I definitely came from a hostile environment, so the adjustment to an atmosphere of support and team-building is different, but I'm fully accepting of this. I'm looking forward to what this place has to offer me and vice versa.

Have I told you how much I miss my 7100g? My addresses, contacts, and brickbreaker... Jeesh, they really do make you attached to it to the point where it's excrusiating leave the house without one on your hip. I need counciling. If someone can recommend me a good phone & carrier, it would really help me move on with my technoscentric life.

Regardless, it's all smiles for me these days and things are looking up - way up!

xend transmissionx


Thursday, March 23, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Dashboard Confessional - A Ghost of a Good Thing

I guess I've left this blog unattended for a while now. It's been a crazy few weeks. The last week of work was basically me walking around schmoozing with managers and long-time coworkers. I happen to pick up several references along the way, which is great. Even my immediate manager was very accepting of my departure. It was kinda funny that the managers made it their duty to tell me that my decision to leave was a great choice. A definite confidence booster to help easy my transition out of there. It's like we were in prison and I was able to escape. It's always good to leave on a positive note. I'm going to miss the department. It's been a great four years. I thought this picture was really neat and summarized what I was feeling at the time. Memories of woking for the man slowly fades away into a distant past...

This is Che-Bay. My hook up for anything bling! haha

And to leave in good spirits, my co-workers dared me to try the "Crippler" burger at the local Chill 'n Grill. We've been talking about this and it was time someone had the balls to attack this monstrosity of a burger. This is 3-lbs. of meat enclosed my the most dense loaf of pumpernickel bread. Of course this $24.99 burger included a waiver for me to sign to accept all the risks that may come with the burger. To top that off, there was an additional vomit fee in case I was to "project" and bits of food from my mouth. Needless to say, it was a very sluggish afternoon intestine-wise. Here are the pics to boot...

I'll let the pictures tell the story of whether I finished the burger or not.

Anyways, as juvenile as I am, I scheduled my last day to be on a Thursday to celebrate my one day of unemployment on St. Patrick's Day. My time at the Bomber was a blast. It's funny to see women operate as they try and mack on your friends St. Paddys Day is always a good time with friends and acquaintances. For those of you who happen to remember "Blocker Extraordinaire" from the high school volleyball days playing the dynamo powerhouse West Elgin, he and his minions tried to pick a fight with my homies. It was kinda funny that a 27- years old 2nd year guy would try to pick a fight when he knew we'd ruin him. Stick to volleyball Wayner! So to note the time, this was only half the day of celebration. In the evening, Matty organized a house show at our place, which was awesome from what I can remember. I was soooo gone that I basically stood around like a tool not talking to anyone because I didn't want to involuntarily vomit on them [a definite conversation faux pas!]. So to all the people I've always wanted to talk to at that party/houseshow, I apologize. I'm not antisocial, just anti-social vomit. I was fortunate enough to spend the night with great friends. It was definitely a great way to end my days in Waterloo.

So the big move day... The move went smoothly with some help from Matty, Kerni, and Pud. It went rather well I thought with the exception of my DIY dresser that crumbled upon levitation from Kerni and I carrying it downstairs. I blame shoddy manufacturers [sarcasm]! Big thanks to Matty who traversed the Southwestern Ontario countryside with me. There are some funny advertisement billboards in rural Ontario!

So now this leaves me to plowing through my first week of work in Toronto...


The shit has hit'th the fan

Thursday, March 16, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Christine Fellows - Vertebrae

"why when you know you should go, is it so hard to leave?"

After months of uneasiness, self doubt, and lack of confidence, today will be my last day working for "the Man". It's been a rough 4 years, but a pleasant one. I don't think I could have asked for a better employer coming from the eyes of a 20 year old co-op student struggling to find himself amongst a seas of students. I remember I was a wreck for my first RIM interview. I guess I only get nervous for things I'm really excited for and this was one of them and boy was I excited when I found the news of my employment. I mean "the Man" was just so convenient in more ways than one that it was a perfect fit for any student. The work environment is definitely dynamic. I think from all the experiences I've had would be equivalent to 10 or 15 years of work experience any other sector. "the Man" basically operates under it's own microcosm and everything else is bascially irrelevant, minus and pending lawsuits.

I woke up this morning to a vivid image of me being escorted by security out of the building. The feeling inside is synonymous to a tough breakup with a 4-year girlfriend. The sun beaten walls of my room somehow represented to me that today is your last day with "the Man". Could it be that the light represented hope? A new beginning? It's still really hard for me to admit the fact that it's over. For months now, friends and family have tested my decision and whether it was the right move. I mean how could you blame them for asking? The situation from an outsider's perspective was almost too good for anyone to let go. Some more than others raised some pressing issues that really tested my logic and reasons for letting go.

I've been really avoiding a day like this and I think so do most people too. For the past two weeks, I've been meaning to pack, but my mind doesn't see the urgency and rationalizes for me to do something else. My mind still thinks that "the Man" will always be there for me to fall back on so why worry about doing something you don't have to do? If you could see my room now, it's filled with empty boxes and no reason to leave. Generally, there was no feeling towards this up until now.

There's still have many reservations about the whole resignation experience. As I mentioned earlier, it's like breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, but this also boils over, to your friends, your co-workers, your accustomed lifestyle. Somehow and some way I have let them down for leaving.

Anyways, I need to get ready to face "the Man" one more time. I know I have more to write about regarding this, so stay tuned.

xend transmissionx

Why am I the last to know???

Friday, March 03, 2006 by .::Hung::.

Song of the Day: Magnet - The Recluse

For the past six years of my life, I've pretty much been consumed in my own work and immediate work to not see what I have been missing in terms of the arts, culture, and society. For exam, on a whim, I decided to download "The United States of Leland" because I have heard that Jenna Malone had a supporting role in it. By GOd, low and behold, the movie was spec-fucking-tacular. It's movies like this that make me think what the hell I have missed throughout univeristy. This tiny bubble called Waterloo consumes my every thought without me recognizing it. I think this movie was even recognized at the Sundance Film Fesitval in Park City, Utah. Anyways, the move is so great and you'll be surpised by the list of actors in this film:

Don Cheadle .... Pearl Madison
Ryan Gosling .... Leland P. Fitzgerald
Chris Klein .... Allen Harris
Jena Malone .... Becky Pollard
Lena Olin .... Marybeth Fitzgerald
Kevin Spacey .... Albert T. Fitzgerald
Michelle Williams .... Julie Pollard
Martin Donovan .... Harry Pollard
Ann Magnuson .... Karen Pollard
Kerry Washington .... Ayesha
Sherilyn Fenn .... Mrs. Calderon
Matt Malloy .... Charlie
Wesley Jonathan .... Bengel
Michael Pena .... Guillermo (as Michael Peña)
Michael Welch .... Ryan Pollard

That's a pretty impressive cast to say the least. I'm in shock that this movie flew under the radar. I'm sure that one of my friends would have mentioned it to me in passing rather. This movie totally broke the visiual that habitually pops into my head when Ryan Gosling's name appears: the nerdy, but cool character Sean Hanlon of the teen television series Breaker High.

Interstingly enough, the background music was very relaxing and soothing that it struck a nerve with me to inquire more about the tracklisting. Yet again, I was amazed by this soundtrack compilation of such great songs, though I don't think a soundtrack was ever released. Some notables to pass along, Frank Black, the Pixies, Imperial Teen and Jeremy Enigk of the fire theft fame. One of the surprising contribution was from an artist by name of Even Johansen otherwise known as Magnet. It's funny that I happen to see Even perform in Waterloo this Monday past as the opening act for Stars. One of the things that stuck in my mind from the Magnet set was the how Even asked the audience if they've heard of his music. After an ili response from the uninterested crowd, he shamelessly remarked that his song was in the movie Monster-in-Law with the ever so bootylicious Jennifer Lopez. What I thought Magnet should have told the crowd was that his song was in this movie instead.

All in all, definitely check out the film. It's somewhat of a thinker. It keeps you wanting to know why. The answer is more complex and compassionate than you think.

xend transmissionx


Life and times of a great observer as oppurtunities passes him by.

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