Sunday, February 27, 2005 by .::Hung::.
song of the day: Rocking Horse Winner - When Songbirds Sing
Weekly recap of a rather wretched reading week. First off, I had to work, so I couldn't really go anywhere (i.e. Cuba in a all-inclusive resort -- damn you M.C.). This is fine, considering if I wanted to travel, then I 'd have to start saving at some point. Also, I was coming off the worst term of school in recent history, which usually leaves me in the moodiest of moods. MY friends and family can contest for this. I really hate the dissatisfaction on marks. It can just ruin a potentially good week of rest and relaxation with stress, anger, and remorse. You know, the woulda, coulda shouldas ...
I think I'm really looking forward to being finished school for a while. Since this is my first term since first year where I had to go to school for eight months, I've lost my edge for school. After talking to a friend of mine about co-op and
A roommate of mine who has a sister that is going through her first round of co-op interviews, resumes, and the whole shabangabang reminds me of the horror that once haunted me. Finding a job is a rather daunting task at that age. Usually, when you think of a job, you think of responsibility, accountability, the real world. Not really on the agenda of a first or second year student whose activities include meeting new friends, drinking, and clubbing. Co-op really sets you straight. Its a sharp prick of reality outside of the university bubble that I think makes University of Waterloo students as successful as they all are. Although, the process of early morning interviews, sitting through boring classes looking like poindexter in your tight-fitting suit because you ate too many cheetoos the night before can seem unrewarding to some. But once you get over the first hurdle, its almost like a snowball effect where pieces seem to fall in place.
Anyways, I spent my week cleaning, cooking and reading (though, not much reading). And somehow I ended up with a cold in the process. It seems to happen to me every year. Whether its the changing of the weather or reluctance to wear mittens who knows what caused this awful cold. I also was able to visit family and friends on this mini holiday of sorts. Seeing mom is always great. Her and her quirky sayings and dances always makes me smile. As for friends, Alex is always a 'hoot' to be around. She always seems to make me laugh, smile or have an insatiable. hunger for food!. 248A really misses her. I don't know what'll happen when we get wrapped up in our careers and families, but I hope I keep in touch with this schmuck! heh
As for the week to come, I hope not to sneeze on anyone and get rid of this cold by Tuesday by the latest.
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Monday, February 21, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Knock Knock Ginger - Stained with Blue
As I sit here and reflect on a chilly wintery night, I worry. I worry about life, love, and loss. With almost 17 years of school, I really can't imagine life without tests, homework, or gossip about that new kid in class. I'm so far removed from reality that I don't think I will be ready for the real world. I think the confines of school has kept me well-guarded from having to try and meet people. In a school setting, one is placed in a position where people are forced to interact with each other. Of course, one would think they would have developed social skills by now, but somehow I don't think I've received Scout's badge for this one...
Anyways, I went to visit a good friend of mine whose living in Toronto before she ships it to law school abroad. Basically, I miss her to death. I don't really talk to anyone about anything except her. As always, Felicia did not disappoint with her exquisite taste to the culinary selection of Chinatown Toronto. Her selection of oysters were delicious. After the great meal, we booked it to the varsity for a movie. As per usual, nothing good is ever playing when you want to see a movie. Fortunately, we were a ble to catch a screening of "In Good Company" Topher Grace and Scarlett Johannsson (<3) in one of the V.I.P. rooms! Yeah, I felt like a pimp! There were only like 16 seats in V.I.P. and the seats were so comfy. Anyways, the movie was amazing! Topher's whitty juxtoposition and comedic timing built his charm and charisma to a stellar performance. Quirky tidbit, but the other main character in this movie played by Randy Quade is named Dan Foreman! I laughed pretty hard when I caught it. Alex didn't know what I was chuckling about. Scarlett Johansson playing the role of a NYU transfer was breathtaking. Her soft plush facial features alongside her seductive raspy voice fascinates a young buck like myself. The movie is definitely worthy of a 2 thumbs up. I put this movie alongside hihg fidelity and the garden state. Topher's performance almost outmatches Natalie's innocent character in the Garden State. Imagine if Topher and Natalie co-starred in a romatic comedy? Millions I say, millions! Busy reading week coming up. Stay tuned!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the Day: Madonna - Get into the Groove
So I just spent an hour blogging and all my data is lost due to some stupid program error, FUCK!
Anyways, like I was saying, CBC has been gaining my undivided attention as of late and it's not because of ex-MuchMusic VJ George Stromboulopoulous' new show "The Hour". What I've really enjoyed in the past few months has been their documentaries of relevant social issues and quirks that mainstream wouldn't dare cover due to mediocre ratings. When I do get the time to sit down and watch television, I'm leaning towards a good episode of rough cuts or something of that nature.
One documentary that got me really excited about was the one on the coverage of the World Scrabble Championships. It took the views of several heavily ranked scrabble enthusiasts and followed them along their journeys atop the Scrabble world. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. The piece was truly humorous and insightful. It sure opened my eyes to the world where board games ruled and passion for the game surpassed any expectations for monetary paybacks. This hour-long special was definitely a MUST SEE.
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P.S. The picture in the previous entry was from Dave's dinner party at some Chinese Restaurant.
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by .::Hung::.
 Dave's infamous birthday celebrations (L to R: Matt, Dave, Me) 
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the day: Lali Puna - Left Handed
April 20th, 2005 it all ends!
So the examination schedule came out today. Some cheered while some jeered. My schedule on the other hand isn't that bad:
Plenty-o-room to study(or not) in between exams. Anyways, back to the subject, I applied to a job in Toronto this past week. Needless to say I want it really bad. The position is a research analyst, but it incorporates everything I've learned in school. It ties in aspects of business from a technology transfer perspective and deals with science! I don't think I could ask for a better career-building job than this one. Many have commented on the fact that a high percentage of people never use get into a field of work in which they studied in school. If everything goes according to plan (I wish, I wish, please please!), I will be able to break the trend. The job is really interesting and embodies what I've always envisioned in a career with a science and business degree. I don't think I've anticipated anything with such great uneasiness since my first visit to the dentist. If anything else, this post is a plea from an ambitious 'gold collar' scholar waiting for the door to open to the real world.
Well, enough about that, let's discuss the FEDs election. Every year, it ends up being a damn popularity contest, which it shouldn't! And there's no change from the norm this year. The opening election forum was an all-out assault with verbal jabs thrown left and right. Open policy this, transparency this, change, innovation, yadda, yadda, yadda. None of the proposed platforms ever elucidate to change anyways, so why even look at the platforms. This year I decide to vote solely based on the random questions asked by the school student newspaper. If you don't know the difference between a senate and council and you're running for office, you should really reconsider. The random questions really says to me that you can think on your feet. "I don't know" doesn't cut it with me.
Enough blabbering. I'm off to sleep.
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Saturday, February 12, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the day - At the Drive-In: Invalid letter dept. "dancin' on the corpse's ashes"
Well tonight was a big trip home for dinner with the family to celebrate a belated Chinese New Year. After being away from home for almost five years now, I can't describe to you how good my mom's V-style cooking can change my mood for the day. We have a great dinner with some conversation of the future. Of course, it all centered around me and what I wanted to do. They've always been supportive and I'm really thankful for that. Some families have a target as to what their children will be when they grow up. I think my parent's views are more organic and adaptive to what my aspirations are in lifee.
I also visited my little cousins to give them my special red envelopes. I have a blast with this girls. After a few hours of conversation with my uncle, the girls decided to break out the photo albums. Photos of the past are so great at gathering the whole family. We sat there and laughed for hours! I have some sweet pics of my cousins and when they have their first boyfriends, I'll have to show off these pics of my cousins. It's classic!
So on that note, I decided to dig around for pictures I took in the past. In my exploration, I found so many pictures that represents some of the best times I can recount. As I sit here typing, I can't describe the feeling I have inside. I love the way they make me feel. My goal now is to share these happy points in my life to all. I'll get a scanner and upload some pictures.
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Thursday, February 10, 2005 by .::Hung::.
Song of the day - The Arcade Fire: Haiti
OK OK, I apologze to myself for not updating this as regularly as desired. Busy with midterms and such. I keep thinking that this blogger will act as a guide along the lines of something from the movie Memento. Sometimes my mind wanders and heaven can be hell.
CareerFair 2005 So, the last four months of undergrad... It's fucking devastating! I seriously liked being under the gun of having deadlines and learning. OK, having a job probably requires the same elements, but I seriously doubt I will find a job of that nature. Speaking of jobs, I attended the local careerfair with a friedn of mine hoping ot network and see what's out there when I graduate. So I had two particular companies in mind. One was a doctor and the other was a generic pharmaceuticals manufacturer. One went well with good conversation. The other, not so well. I think i prepared too much whereby my questions were a bit too specific for the HR generalist to answer. So from the fair, I'd say it was worht it. Even if there aren;t any companies you find intersting, it was a great way to parctice your selling skills. This was a great forum to practice small talk and see what industry is looking for in terms of personnel. Who knows, you might score an interview.
Grad Ball, Grad Ball, Grad Ball... It's bullshit! Yeah, it could be fun if you 're into dressing up and being uncomfortable, but I dont think it's my cup of tea. yes, I've been to one before so it's not like "you've got to try it to know what it's all about". Theonly reason why I'm considering it is that it's the only oppurtunity to get to celebrate with the people you spend the most time with outside of home (well, at least for me). I've give credit, where credit's due: everyone I know or want to know in science will be there (Maybe Ruth?? Fingers crossed. hehe). And I don't like going to functions like this alone. Yeah, it's cool to go with friends, but again, it'd be weird. I wouldn't know what to expect and all that jazz. Can't we just all go to a bar or pub and get shit-faced? This solves so many ambiguities about expectation and dress code. Also, it's economically viable for everyone. Soem dress themes have been thrown around so I guess I have something to get out of it.
Hung and the amigos abroad So as it stands, I think I am going to forego my aforementioned plans of Asia for several reasons: - Hong Kong, Japan, Korean are expensive countries
- I only know 1 person from the group of 6
- personal interests
When you first hear Asia, would would commonly associate it with a cost-efficient. From the cities, listed, it would be very expensive to be able to enjoy the sights without constantly worrying about money. I don't think I could have a good time having something like that in the back of my mind. I am going to sit down and discuss it with my friend. Initially, I was really interested, but when it comes down to it, the places, people, and cultures I want to experience doesn't mesh will with what Asia has to offer me at this moment. It's always been my dream to visit my parent's native land with them and I think foregoing this oppurtunity would be best for me.
Things are always subject to change in my books so stay tuned.
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Life and times of a great observer as oppurtunities passes him by.
Also a link to profile may show up here.