Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 18, 2004 by .::Hung::.So I was fortunate enough to finish exams early this festive season, but sucummed to "extra" work hours to compensate lost time. Thank goodness its over. We can finally let the holidays begin!
Now it's time to head to Dallas! I'm really excited. Visiting my cousins is one of the highlights. They make me feel so good for being Vietnamese for some reason. I really identify with them, aside from the part that they are family. Both my cousins are just genuiniely really great people and being with them just keeps me in good spirits.
On a sadder note, my friend Alex just finished her last semester at UW. Due to co-op, us 5th years students are few and far between. Alex has been there since first year. It's tough to see her go, but it's about that time that I realize that all the people I've met will be gonig their separate ways real soon. Alex just happened to fly the coop early. I'm still trying to gear myself up for this. April will be a hard month, studying, sleeping, and salvaging what is left of my sense of sanity. Yaay graduation, boo real world. So to make myself feel better, I turn to this.
(damn you Ling Ling).