Turn them shits up! I can't hear you!
Song of the Day: Ratatat - Nostrand
This was the first weekend of many to come in the Fall of music. I had the honour of seeing Ratatat this weekend at Lee's Palace. These dudes are a bit of an eclectic duo that mixes rap beats and rock together to form a sound like no other. You would think in a time and age like this, Rap/Rock would would have been laid to rest like Fred Durst and Limp Bizkit or CrazyTown for that matter. So to form a band that constitutes from the surfacee something that's already been long dragged out is a bit of a risk. I mean, that was so 1999 & 2000. Stuff like that has already been played out. I'm sure we've heard the likes of rap/rock pumped through the speakers at some high school kegger or what have you. So if in 2003, the same type of experiment were to happen again, the kids would most definitely be recovering from their first rap/rock hangover. Ratatat provides a sort of twist to the equation: rap beats + rocker sensibilities. Closest hip-hop fans like myself can align to the beats and the ridiculous guitar and bass hooks from the rock world. Ratatat have been on my radar to see for two years now ever since I heard that Missy Elliot remix. These stoners rock so hard that it even makes squares like me want to drop my shoulder and dance. Though, it wasn't a pretty sight, I wasn't one to care because
- Concerts are usually in a dark, sweaty hall
- People should watching the musical acts anyways
- My dance moves are so subtle, you wouldn't know if I was moving or not. My legs are something riverdance would be ashamed of if Michael Flatley ever saw me

Anyways, enjoy the first week back to school kiddies while you can and for are you grown ups out there, have yourselves a great work week.
xend transmissionx