Ben Gibbard Curses too much!
Song of the Day: Laura Veirs - Cast a Hook in Me
I've been totally slacking post-wise. My mind needs to remove itself from the KW reigns. I've been spending too much time in KW, which means staying in the mindframe of the undergrad days. With this being said, a key was returned and reminants of a past life removed. Let' s hope that did the trick.
So what's been going on... I had the chance to see Franz Ferdinand and Death Cab for Cutie a few weeks ago. My take-home notes from the show was that Ben Gibbard needs to stop cursing onstage no matter the circumstance. If it was let's say...Chad Kroeger or David Lee Roth then swear away as it's expected. But it sounded so awkward as Gibbard serenaded the OC-influenced crowd was a big F*** this. I think even Ben started to realize he was cursing too much as he started muffling the dreaded four letter word as the night continued. The show was alright, the venue sucked, a stupid fire alarm ruined four great Death Cab songs. Franz was good and I didn't see any of the Cribs, who were the openers. Deathcab surprised me as to how well they selected their songs from their massive discography to keep the crowd entertained with ballads (or I like to call them, slow jams) and rockers.
Another band show I attended as of late was Wintersleep & Contrived at Lee's Palace. This was my first show at this venue and it totally kicked ass. Even though Wintersleep and Contrived had their own sets, most of the membrs played in both bands. The Wintersleep and Contrived drummer was working double duty and did not let up on the skins. It was definitely a show for concert-going afficiantos. I know I've ranted about this before, so I'm highly critical of the people at the show as well as the bands. Needless to say, I had no complaints. Everyone had a great time. This was evident as the bands could not stop smiling and in awe of how reactive the crowd was to the songs. I remember seeing Paul Murphy of Wintersleep mummble the words away from the mic to his bandmates "this is awesome" throughout the set as the crowd sang along or danced to every blistering note. I hope to see both of them again in some form. I think this was Contrive's last tour.
And last night I saw Minus the Bear at Lee's Palace. It was my second time seeing the band and it was as exciting as the first time. Dave Knudson has now incorporated a Dance-Dance-Revolution style of pedel mashing to his repitroire of cool guitar tircks/licks. "Heeeeeeeey, let's cross the sea, get some culture", how about heeeeeeeeeeeey, let's cross the border, and play another show in Ontario sometime soon - for Leo's sake. A great show, which resulted in a sore neck the next day.
That's it for now. Oh, here's a pic of me "high-five"ing in mid air. I think I threw in some grabs as well. I think I was switch stance if I'm not mistaken.
xend transmissionx