ahhh, the sleepless nights
Song of the Day: Braid - This Charming Man [Smiths cover] ... Whenever I go back to my hometown and see the people I grew up with -- many of whom are still living the same life we all had twelve years ago as high school seniors -- I realize that I was very much the exception. Lots of people (in fact, most people) do not dream about morphing their current life into something dramatic and cool and metaphoric. Most people see their life to be less complicated than it already is. They want their life only to have one meaning. So when they imagine a better existence, it's their completely imaginary or staunchly practical. The reason Garth Brooks and Shania Twain have sold roughly 120 million more albums than Bob Dylan and Liz Phair is not because record buyers are all a bunch of blithering idiots; it's because Garth and Shania are simply better at expressing the human condition.
I haven't been able to keep a regular and healthy sleeping pattern since public school. One with suspect it's either from the excessive consumption of java or listless nights of partying. The reality is this book Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman of Esquire and Spin Magazine fame has kept me up to the wee hours of the morning. As I turn from page to page, I read essays of a talented writer who has captured my attention in print form. It's a light read that reels you in with quick references to pop-culture icons. At first it's a rather annoying gimmick to keep you interested, as he uses a lot of references, but as you further find yourself in his essays, he provides his two cents on certain subjects that you might find yourself thinking about when you finish downing the last Prozac pill pr 40 oz. of bleach.
- Chuck Klosterman

August 18, 2007 2:37 PM
there is an important typo at the end of the quote...for you convenience is a corrected version with the word “not” added it changes the meaning a bit... thanks for having typed up though
"Whenever I go back to my hometown and see the people I grew up with -- many of whom are still living the same life we all had twelve years ago as high school seniors -- I realize that I was very much the exception. Lots of people (in fact, most people) do not dream about morphing their current life into something dramatic and cool and metaphoric. Most people see their life as a job that they have to finish; if anything, they want their life to be *less* complicated than it already is. They want their life only to have one meaning. So when they imagine a better existence, it's their completely imaginary or staunchly practical. ... The reason Garth Brooks and Shania Twain have sold roughly 120 million more albums than Bob Dylan and Liz Phair is *not* because record buyers are all a bunch of blithering idiots; it's because Garth and Shania are simply better at expressing the human condition. They're less talented, but they understand more people."
- Chuck Klosterman
October 08, 2007 2:13 PM
thanks MM for your proofing :)