Who's to blame for your own mistakes?
Song of the Day: The Weekend - Cindy
Look behind her sunglasses, her eyes sing...
So the Magneta Lane/Controller.Controller show is Guelph (my new favourite hangout) was great. I haven't had a great time at a show like this in a long time. Dance music for the masses. Who woulda thought, I'd enjoy dance-y music? Non-stop hook after hook laced with addictive basslines coaxing your every limb to "come with" and join in a celebration of the next generation retro dance party. I think I timed it, 47-minute cardio workout. Good thing I loaded up on carbs afterwards from the always accommodating Chinese restaurant next door. Like I told Matt, who could pass up a sale on food at 2:00 am? I kid you not, Guelph has it going on. More adventures to the Royal City to come in the upcoming months. As for the bands, controller.controller is promoting a new album, so go out and support them in their quest for noteriaty in your area. Oh, and make sure to wear some sort of deodorant because you are going to sweat one out!
xend transmissionx