Lucy, you have some explaining to do...
Song of the Day: The Cardigans - Been It
As exam time rolls around, I be more conscience of what I eat. Some would say, it's a exam time health kick. I realize life will end if I don't cram another 25 hours of studying in a day. My stomach also becomes more selective in foods I eat. It has a knack for deciphering when exams start and what McDonald's offers as its: Monday: Big Extra * personal favourite
Tuesday: Big Mac
Wednesday: McChicken
Thursday: 2 Cheeseburgers
Friday: Filet O'Fish
Saturday: Quarter Pounder
Sunday: Double Cheeseburger
So as I make my usual order, cashier, pick up transition routine, I was dumb-founded to see a rather young McDonald's employee processing my order. She could not not have been older than 16 or 17. Remember, this is a late-night drive thru experience. Minors should not be working these hours. They're not old enough to develop a heroin or smack habit yet, so so they shouldn't be that desperate for money. Are minors even allowed to work this late? I really do hope this employee is 18 or older because it would really be sad that a corporation would not have policies in place to prevent underagers from working such hideous shifts especially if school is in the picture for this particular employee as well. It's a good thing that Ronald is a fictitious character because if he (or she, I am still questioning this one, even with the name Ronald) was a real person like Kathy Lee Gifford, there would be some explaining to do. Child labour laws anyone?
By the way Ronald, you over-cooked my fuckin' fries!
xend transmissionx
April 12, 2005 2:27 AM
Fuck yeah!
April 12, 2005 2:37 AM
Microphone check 1 2
Posted by Anonymous