The dry spell is over!
Song of the Day: Sufjan Stevens - All Good Naysays Speak Up! Or Forever
Since the recent Tim Hortons campaign for ROLL UP THE RIM 2005 started, I've diligently bought my average of 3 cups of coffee a day. According to the contest rules, the odds of a prize is as follows:
"the approximate odds of being eligible to win a food prize are one in 9".
I was 0 for 24! How does that stack up?!?!? Anyways, I'm pretty content with my muffin right now, but I feel Tim has some explaining to do. Let's hope the Law of Averages works in my favour as I put more of a concerted effort to consume more coffee. With time winding down, I am going to up the stakes and double or dare I say it triple my coffee consumption. That home theatre will surely be mine! Hello Plasma, goodbye ass-clown television set!
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