I did the unthinkable...
Song of the Day: Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister
I suspected this all along. Dammit. I should have turned to Quizilla earlier for answers!
You scored as white. you are white.
Are you a different race than you think you are? created with QuizFarm.com |
April 09, 2005 1:02 PM
This is a rascist test! I don't see "east indian" anywhere.. btw i got white to....i think everyone who does it gets white tho...lol
April 10, 2005 7:32 PM
Oh contraire! I got Latino! hahaha, I like this quiz. Good luck on your exams Hung!! Maybe I should get into this blogging business... start expressing myself!!
April 10, 2005 11:37 PM
Ah zute!
I need to find a new comments module where I can find out who posted these comments. Anyways, thanks for the thoughtful wishes, and I wish you succcess with exams or what have you.